Darwin Awards
Un compañero del trabajo me comentó la existencia de esta web el otro día. Básicamente son histórias sobre gente que se ha hecho pupa o sencillamente ha pasado a mejor vida, por tener malas ideas... si es que el aburrimiento es un mal aliado.
(August 2006, Florida) A scuba diver was bitten on the lip when he attempted to kiss a nurse shark. The bite was a surprise to the diver, as he had already kissed hundreds of sharks. He explained, "You pick 'em up, rub their belly, scratch 'em, hug them, you might as well give 'em a smooch while you're out there."
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This shark took exception to his unwanted advances, and bit him. To add insult to injury, a group of snappers came in for a few nibbles, too.
Luckily, a patient plastic surgeon was able to repair his mangled lip. "It was a matter of completing the puzzle and putting (a hundred little pieces) back together again," Dr. Mike Kelly said.
Has the diver learned his lesson? Apparently not! He simply plans to modify his amorous technique: "Don't kiss a nurse shark while it's upside down."
En fin...
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